That mostly takes us down to any other business, with some options for Technomancers and Ghost Arks to boost the number of models they can bring back, and an option for the Reanimator to change the target of its nanoscarab beam (and/or turn it on during the first turn, which is probably more relevant) but I saved the best for last. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), James "One_Wing" Grover, Peter "The Falcon" Colosimo, Lowest of Men and Jeremy "Curie" Atkinson, Jackie Daytona, Aaron "Lenoon" Bowen, Perigrin, Marc "Ilor" Renouf, Daniel "Zuul the Cat" Rucker and Michael "Enzo" DiCianna, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington, Colin Ward, SRM, MasterSlowPoke, Jack Hunter and Liam "Corrode" Royle, Mike Bettle-Shaffer, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and BuffaloChicken, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, The Goonhammer Review: Codex Space Marines 9th Edition, incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble. This is vastly more flexible than it used to be, and can be super helpful for getting a wounded character ready to re-join the fray. Then, the melee stuff tidies up. The Dynastic Traditions list contains a lot of repeats of one half of the named Dynasty traits. Medium scan. With Reanimation making infantry blocks more attractive again, slapping the abiliy to get them into positionfast at the cost of your first turns shooting, along with making them tougher to take down with heavy fire, is fantastic, and there are plenty of other units that are perfectlyhappy to have a 6++ randomly slapped onto their profile, Destroyers, Scarabs and Tomb Blades coming to mind in particular. Phaerons Will Replaced by a pre-game upgrade. Whether its enough to make you want to take him over Imotekh (who is much more deadly in his own right) is an open question, but the fact that Im even asking that question is animpressive uptick from last edition. At 75pts, I think thisll see use as its priced right for a utility tool, but its not quite the instant slam-dunk that, say, the Kelermorph was. Its a neat idea, and definitely better than some fortifications weve seen, but doesnt quite feel like it justifies the cost. Combined with being able to take bigger units of Skorpekh in the bookand them picking up a discount from their Indomitus Cost, this makes them look exceptionally spicy. and absolutely packed with rules. Straight up justmurdering4W characters half the time. Most notably, all of the following are available: Having these powerful, workhorse effects available immediately makes it more likely these will get used, but obviously the second half needs to pay off as well. Or are they? That nets out to being more reliable against small stuff and less reliable against Knights and their ilk, a definite sidegrade. As a general thing for this section,all the Overlord tier characters, named and generic, now have four attacks rather than their sad, pathetic three from 8th. The gauss reaper has moved to being an assault weapon, so essentially this is a boost of 6 to the rapid fire range of gauss flayers and 3 to blasters. Theonly downside is that the Canoptek Plasmacyte is now a separate unit, and to be fair thats only a downside because it would have done weird cheesy nonsense to the Reanimation Protocols math otherwise. C'tan get a gigantic power boost (and, to be fair, cost hikes to match) making the star gods the absolute monsters they should be. Interesting stuff. Given theyre also healthily priced and CORE, this should make at least 5-model units a pretty common sight, and here I curse GW for taking away my excuse not to get around to painting mine. Enduring Will gets a bunch more relevant thanks to being able to buy extra traits and the Skorpekh Lord existing once you put him on this and add the option to useWhirling Onslaught theyre a total nightmare to kill, and sticky melee nasties are exactly what you want in 9th. Yes especially if you like using rapid fire gauss weapons. They gain theextremely eye-catching ability of army-wide ObSec (models that have it already count as 2), and ignore an AP of -1 while wholly within their deployment zone. . People! If your unit survives, after the enemy unit finishes all their attacks, roll a d6 for each token in the pot. And that, as they say, is it. One thing thats going to be interesting going forward is to see if TOs actually allow these in GT2020 events prior to more armies having access to them. Save Save Codex Supplement - Ultramarines For Later. With any gauss weapon, including the new reapers, you can also popDisintegration Capacitors, auto-wounding on unmodified 6s to hit. New and exciting for the Necrons, we have custom dynasties. The Nightbringer doesnt really need it, but even for him it can be relevant if they need to use their sweep attack against some targets. He has shooting hit re-roll and melee wound re-roll auras for CORE and TRIARCH PRAETORIANS, which switch off as he loses Triarch members. While the release of Codex T'au the year before gave the setting a dose of bright optimism, Codex: Necrons gave us all a new thing to fear. Judgement of the Triarch +1 to hit for TRIARCH unit. Putting 6pts worth ofBring It Down in your list without much purpose is also a touch sell. Up front things dont look great, as they lose their 3++ (which, again, seems to just be Not A Thing any more, and franklygood). Ophydian Destroyers can burrow back into deep strike to return on the following turn, while Tomb Blades can advance and shoot without penalty, treating Rapid Fire weapons as Assault when they do so. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Now, having slumbered in stasis for millennia, they are rising up to conquer it again. Codex: Necrons really stands out from the other books of the time. 20 Warriors, flayers 260 That effect obviously does get better when its fully on-demand, somaybe theres scope for an army that wants to play a heavy objective game to make use of this Dynasty, but Id say it ends up as the weakest out of the gate. Codex Supplement - Ultramarines . Necron Cryptothralls. Hit someone with a gauss destructor? Relic wise, theVeil of Darkness has been slightly nerfed but remains a near must-have, and there are some good generic weapon options. Get it as soon as Wednesday, Feb 8. This lists you redeploy up to three units within your deployment zoneor move them into strategic reserves. The Deceivers special power is essentially mind war (without being limited to CHARACTERS) pick a target, roll off and add leadership, and if you win deal mortals equal to the difference. All Ctan also know two powers the named ones all have a unique one and one from the list, while the Transcendant picks two from the list. Thanks a ton for presenting this to us, $50 for a book is a bit much. Also in melee land,Flayed Ones pick up some boosts, but areweirdly held back by not being CORE. Last of all we have the Sautekh. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. Customers also search. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Even with 20 Warrior blobs, I can tell you from repeat personal experience that competent opponents would just burst them down in a single turn, deleting them without you ever getting a chance to trigger this. All together, very useful. Theyre pretty cheap and throw out damage and mortals (slightly more efficiently with increased range on the mortals and the ability to do so after advancing), Thats kind of it and theyre kind of fine I do wonder, now that people can have lots of these, if stacking them up might turn out to be OK, especially as Szarekhan to lean on the re-rolls. Cute concept, amazing models that will make awesome terrain, but probably not a big competitive hitter.#. Especially the NIghtbringer. A lot of the same effects that appear on the named codes turn up in these lists, allowing you to build a main effect of comparable or maybe even greater power. What makes that up? Getting a unit of these ready to go was the surprise painting task I didnt know I was going to have, but Im here for it. They comes with a standard-ish hero statline, and has two buff effects My Will Be Done (MWBD)and Relentless March. These have the same statline as in Indomitus (i.e. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This is an incredibly potent buff, and especially good with the spiicy Canoptek Doomstalker. Rather than turning off Auras (theoretically good, clunky on a slow model in practice), now once per game when an opponent tries to use a stratagem you can just say no, it isnt activated (so no CP are spent) and cant be used for the rest of the battle round. I started a Necron Army in 8th to provide an alternative option for events, but that never really came to fruition outside of occasional skew list outings due to how weak the 8th book was. It gave a chance for dead models from your units to get back up at the start of your turn, which was cool in theory but in practice ran face-first into the lethality of 8th. I do think well see less Sautekh than we used to simply (ironically) because of how muchbetter this book is now. Equally, the flipside of Tesla being unmodded 6s is that you can advance and still proc it now, which could still be useful. At the same price point, that makes these feel really hard to justify, and while theyre not abad unit by any stretch, Im skeptical theyll make the cut that often over the more durable options of Skorpekh and Wraiths. A bunch of rules in the Necron Codex work based on a set of common keywords that turn up across multiple units. Bookmark. NBD. When it stays still its guns now get a tonne better, making them actually pretty potent (though lacking in AP), and the gravity pulse is now a targeted effect that slows down fliers and can put mortals on planes. For pretty much any strategy planning to attack 9ths missions, theres going to be a way to get huge value out of this, whether it be getting slower melee options like Tomb Spiders into position, making sure your Warriors can claim and perform an Action on a mid-board objective turn 1 without advancing, or just pulling back from wherever your opponent has scout deployed this ability does it all. Last, butextravagantly not least, the Silent King. If hordes continue to rise, this could see the odd bit of use it can be slapped onto a model for just a command point, so why not. The new codex features Dynastic Codes for six Necron empires, including the Szarekhan Dynasty for the first time, along with options to create your own. Confidence that you can keep a NOBLE alive, either by picking a tough warlord or bringing a spare. I expect you mostly take either the Sautekh, Nephrekh or Szerakhan ones on your Warlord, buy your biggest melee nastyEnduring Will and maybe throw outThrall of the Silent King when you have a use for it. Thats enough that 10 of these are a real worry for enemy characters, especially as theyre base BS2+ and can be further buffed thanks to being CORE. The custom power (a replacement for the old Gaze shooting attack) is vicious right out the gate you pick a target (with no LoSir-like restrictions or anything) and roll 3d6, doing d3 MWs for each 4+. Zandrekh is quite a bit improved, but with everything being pricy its still hard to justify his cost. While the nerf toExtermination Protocols stings, the fact that it still gives you full wound re-rolls means that the high-rate firepower from the gauss cannons can adapt to almost any target. Well the book contains: Were going to focus today on the content thats relevant for matched play our Crusade specialists will be bringing you their thoughts on the new rules for narrative campaigns next week. Boooooooo. Lets imagine that youre now into the game and want to start flensing the galactic usurpers into nothingness. Overlord & Royal Warden. Moving on to theLokhust Heavy Destroyers, Im still not quite sure what to think about them. Nearly to the units, I swear. Finally, the last one that hurts Extermination Protocols, a huge crutch for the army as was, takes a big hit its now wound re-rolls only and costs 2CP. Pleasantly surprised by how well these came out, and looking forward to getting mine back on the table maybe even aiming to double up to 25. Obviously how good this is changes a bit depending on the map, but on missions likeBattle Lines,Vital Intelligence andSweep and Clear it feels great and will also reward you with double scoring if you choose to go for the mission secondary on the last one. . Ugh, so. Thats where the Resurrection Orb comes in, infused with vastly more purpose than it had before. Command protocols, a new set of army-wide buffs you can plan out through the turns of the game. Their effect has also changed, with The Lords Will now handing out hit re-rolls of 1 to a single CORE unit per turn. Necron codex 9th edition pdf download. The rules for these instruct you that if youre playing a mission pack that uses secondaries, and your entire army is NECRONS, you can selectone of these in place of a normal objective. The ability appears on the datasheet of all unitsexcept the Ctan shards and the Tesseract Vault, but just having the ability doesnt unlock the effects by itself. As such, a wide cast of characters exist within their ranks, from obsessives to strategic geniuses. There is a part of me that, like with the lord, looks at their price tag and says but I could buy a spicy Cryptek with that, and I think the buffs being limited to CORE make them an especially hard sell but again, if you decided to go all in on just so many warriors they could have a place. Report DMCA. The other pre-game upgrade option is Hand of the Phaeron. It does now come with the tradeoff that you cannot shootat all after doing it, but a further upside is added in that the move-through-stuff effect also triggers on falling back, meaning that its almost impossible to trap this army in combat. Small, powerful melee units also benefit quite a bit, and I can see this working well with minimum-sized Wraith and Skorpekh units too, Wraiths in particular enjoying the mortal wound protection. The update is especially exciting if you favoured Warrior or Canoptek-based lists, both of which look vastly more interesting compared to 8th, where Immortals, Destroyers and vehicles were the main game in town and on that note, lets look at what the book covers. These do all sorts of stuff. Theyre packing another extremely useful buff, allowing you to select one unit within 9 in your command phase to get charge re-rolls and a 5++. Doesnt work. No feel no pains allowed. 7. r/Necrontyr. Since thats 5pts cheaper than the other options its worth a serious look now, and this unit ends up sufficiently all-roundgood that almost every build is probably worth it somewhere (even gauss given how much the book pushes rapid fire). First painted model in my Necron army. Theres plenty of good choices, but the stuff you can add to a Technomancer feels the strongest by far, and the Fail-safe Overcharger in particular seens incredibly well set up to support Canoptek heavy Novokh lists. They can also take a valuable Resurrection Orb, and thisisnt limited to only hitting CORE units. 9.1 Codices; 9.2 Supplements; 9.3 Campaigns & Expansions; 10 Related Articles While it hurts some units, most notably the large Destroyer squads that were staples of older builds, Im reasonably convinced that the payoff in making the core 1W infantry much, much better is worth it, and it being rolled out for free to a bunch of Canoptek stuff is just gravy. Each unit entry now haseither a base cost per model or a base cost per complete unit (often where theres a fixed size) and the cost entry for each unit will specify which (if any) upgrades you have to pay extra for. They still have categories like any others, and the rule about not double picking from the same category still apply. The Obelisk is the last returning hero, bearing the dubious title of being voted the worst unit in the entire of 8th Edition by the competitive community. 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