Procedure where witnesses for defence not present. 152. When in the case of a trial before a judge with assessors the accused has pleaded to the indictment or, in the case of trial by jury, the accused has been given in charge of the jury, counsel for the prosecution shall open the case. Number of Act: 3. to a dwelling house, one F. G. being therein. If a person is confined in a mental hospital under the provisions of section 71 and the medical superintendent of such hospital certifies that, in his opinion, the accused is capable of making his defence, such accused shall be taken before the court at such time as the court appoints, to be dealt with according to law, and the certificate of such medical superintendent shall be receivable in evidence. 121. 246. (3) This section shall not prejudice or affect the trial of any act of piracy as defined by the law of nations. You are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so but whatever you say will be taken down in writing and may be given in evidence upon your trial. Proceedings in a Preliminary Investigation when Case for the Prosecution is closed. (statement of offence). 218. (3) Any document or articles produced in evidence before the Magistrate's Court by any witness whose attendance at the trial is stated to be unnecessary in accordance with provisions of this section and marked as exhibits shall unless in any particular case the Magistrate's Court otherwise orders, be retained by the Magistrate's Court and forwarded with the depositions to the Registrar of the Supreme Court. (1) Any constable may without a warrant arrest -. For the purposes of this subsection the expression "examining officer", "motor vehicle" and "trailer" shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them under the Road Traffic Act, 1964. (1) The Attorney-General may order in writing that the power expressly vested in him by section 44 be vested for the time being any other Law Officer and the exercise of these powers by such other Law Officer shall then operate as if they had been exercised by the Attorney- General, so however that the power to enter a nolle prosequi in any proceedings preliminary to the committal of the accused for trial on indictment shall not be vested in any person other than the Attorney-General. In so doing, they may be guided, as appropriate, by the Criminal Procedure Act, 1965, of Sierra Leone . (1) In any criminal case, and at any stage thereof before verdict or judgement, the Attorney-General may enter a nolle prosequi either by stating in Court or by informing the Court in writing that, the Crown intends that the proceedings shall not continue and thereupon the accused or the defendant as the case may be shall be at once discharged in respect of the charge for which the nolle prosequi is entered, and if he has been committed to prison shall be released or if on bail his recognisances shall be discharged; but such discharge of an accused person shall not operate as a bar to any subsequent proceedings against him on account of the same facts. (4)Where the jurors are not unanimous in their findings the Judge shall, after the lapse of such time as he thinks reasonable, discharge the jury. So soon as conveniently may be after the sentence of death has been pronounced, the presiding Judge shall forward to the Governor0General through the Prime Minister a copy of the finding and sentence, and of his notes of evidence taken at the trial, with a report in writing signed by him containing any recommendations or observations on the case which he thinks fit to make. The powers vested in a President under this Act or any Rules made thereunder shall be exercised by a Vice-President.". The High Court of Sierra Leone is divided into the: General Civil Division; Criminal Division; Commercial and Admiralty Division; Family and Probate Division and Land and Property Division. Search warrants may be executed outside jurisdiction of Court issuing them in certain cases. (2) The Remitting Court shall send to the Court to which the person charged is remitted for trial an authenticated copy of the information, summons, warrant and all other process or documents in its possession relative to such person. 49. 19. of: AND WHEREAS it has been reported to me that there are no sufficient goods and chattels of the, satisfy the said sum and the expenses of such. 85. WHEREAS at a preliminary investigation held by me into a charge of.preferred against, ..(name of accused) I committed the, said..(name of accused) for trial by the Supreme Court Upon the said charge and. Laws of Sierra Leone, 1960, Government Printer, Freetown, Sierra Leone, Vol. the Prosecutor that A.B is charged with the following offence (offences)-. Power to take depositions of persons dangerously ill. 62. The Residual Special Court was established pursuant to an agreement signed between the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone on 11 August 2010. The principal Act is hereby amended by the addition immediately after section 48 of the following new section. 0000003076 00000 n 236. 2198-2227 PDF of Act. a.that some question of law is likely to arise, which it is desirable should be decided by the Supreme Court; b.that an order under this section will tend to the general convenience of the parties or witnesses; or. b)by the substitution for the words "six months" in lines two and three thereof of the words "one yeaf'. 2. A person convicted or acquitted of any act causing consequences, which together with such act constitute a different offence from that for which such person was convicted or acquitted, may be afterwards tried for such l mentioned offence, if the -consequences had not happened or were not known to the Court to have happened at time when he was acquitted or convicted. 216. Appointment of other persons to perform duties of Magistrate. 1 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. 46. The forms set out in the Second Schedule may be used in all proceedings to which they are applicable with such variations as circumstances require, and shall valid and effectual for all purposes. be fined in an amount not exceeding four hundred leones where the offence is triable summarily. Powers of Director of Public Prosecutions. Indictment not to be filed without previous committal. 32. 0000002339 00000 n Act, 1965 Assented to in Her Majesty's name this 8th day of June, 1965. DATED of. African Law (AfricanLII) . in accordance with the provisions of Part III in relation to preliminary investigation, the Court may take in writing the statement on oath or affirmation of such person, and shall subscribe the same, and certify that it contains accurately the whole of the statement made by such person, and shall add a statement of the reason for taking the same, and of the date and place when and where the same was taken, and shall preserve such statement and file it for record. Procedure where entry not obtainable. 10. 86. 122. (1) No indictment shall be signed or filed in respect of any criminal offence unless there has been a committal for trial consequent upon a previous preliminary investigation in accordance with the provisions of Part III or an enquiry or inquest held in accordance with the provisions of the Coroners Act, except in the case of indictments which by law may be preferred by the direction of, or with the consent in writing of, a Judge, and, in the case of informations known as ex-officio informations, by the Attorney-General: Provided that where the accused has been committed for trial the indictment may include either in substitution for or in addition to counts charging the offence for which he was committed, any counts founded on facts or evidence disclosed in the depositions being counts which may be lawfully joined in the same indictment. 127. Justice of the Peace to assist Magistrate. sl-government-gazette-dated-2022-02-03-no-5.pdf Sierra Leone Government Gazette dated 2022-01-27 number 4. sl-government-gazette-dated-2022-01-27-no-4.pdf (1) If the accused or the defendant does not admit the truth of the charge or the Court refuses to accept a plea of guilty, the Court shall proceed to hear the prosecutor and his witnesses and other evidence, if any. DATED thisday of.19.. 64. B., might retain the same in safe custody. 1. 70. (4)The deposition of each witness shall be read over to the witness and signed by him and attested by the Magistrate in his presence. 204. 176. Transfer and discharge of criminal lunatics. I,(Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff) hereby certify that have/caused to, be served upon.(name of accused) a copy of the indictment in the matter of the charge, against him with the notice of trial, and that the nature and exigency thereof was explained to him, byand that this service was effected..(personally or in what, manner accomplished) at.(time) All such amendment shall be made upon such term as the Court shall seem just. In Where a person charged with an offence is married to another person by a marriage other than a Civil or Mohammedan marriage, such last-named person shall be a competent and compellable witness on behalf either of the prosecution or of the defence. (1) A person who alleges that an enactment or anything contained in or done under the authority of that or any other enactment is inconsistent with, or is in contravention of a provision of this Constitution, may at any time bring an action in the Supreme Court for a declaration to that effect. 157. For the issuing of a summons the information need not be put in writing or be sworn to unless the Court so directs. Accused person to be remitted in certain cases to another Court. (2) Such questions and the answers to them shall be recorded. and at the time of or immediately before immediately after such robbery did use personal violence to the said C. D. Burglary, contrary to section 25 (1) and larceny contrary to section 13 of the Larceny act, 1916. Notwithstanding the issuing of a summons, a warrant may be issued at any time before or after the time appointed in the summons for the appearance of the accused. 104. (1) The Minister may from time to time by order direct the transfer to a mental hospital, prison or other suitable place of safe custody of any criminal lunatic detained in any other mental hospital, prison or other suitable place of safe custody and such criminal lunatic shall accordingly be received and detained in the mental hospital, prison or other place of safe custody, to which he is so transferred. (1) After the summing up, the jury shall consider their verdict, and for that purpose may retire. (1) The description of property in a count in an information or indictment shall be in ordinary language, and such as to indicate with reasonable clearness the property referred to and if the property is so described it shall not be necessary, except when required for the purpose of describing an offence depending on any special ownership of property or special value of property, to name he person to whom the property belongs or the value of the property. On of.. You should be present at the said time and place in order to hear the said statement made *(and to cross-examine the. 234. (3) On the restitution of any stolen property if it appears to the Court by the Evidence that the person convicted has sold the stolen property to any person, and that such person has had no knowledge that the same was stolen, and that any moneys have been taken from the person convicted on his apprehension and not returned to him under section 59, the Court may, on the application of such purchaser, order that out of such moneys a sum not exceeding the amount of the proceeds of such sale be delivered to the said purchaser. (2) Where the Judge gives no directions for the recording of his summing up or of any direction given by him, he shall prepare a statement as soon as possible according to the best of his recollection and, for the purpose of preparing such statement, may consult any notes he may have made for his summing up or for any such direction. are). 133. B., on theday of.atin the Western Area of Sierra Leone, being clerk or servant to. A statement in writing to the effect that wages of any amount have been paid to a person during any period, purporting to be signed by or on behalf of his employer, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated in any proceedings taken before the Court for the enforcement of the payment by the person, to whom the wages are stated to have been paid, of a fine or penalty upon summary conviction. (2) It shall not be necessary, in any count charging an offence constituted by an enactment, to negative any exception. If the Attorney-General is of the opinion that there is in any case committed for trial any material or necessary witness other than those mentioned in the depositions, the prosecutor may call the witness before the trial Court upon giving to the Registrar of the Court and to the accused notice of his intention to do so together with a summary of the evidence to be given by the witness. Additional witnesses for the defence. [9[,I`xs Falsification of accounts, contrary to section 1 of the Falsification of Accounts Act, 1875. WHEREAS.(name) is lying ill/hurt at(address) and is not likely to recover, and, whereas it appears to me that the saidis able and willing to give material, information relating to the offence of.(statement of offence) alleged to have been committed, Now, therefore, take notice that I propose to take in writing and upon oath or affirmation the statement of the said. The Governor-General may make rules to be observed on the execution of a judgment of death, for the purposes, of guarding against any abuse in such execution and giving greater solemnity to the same, and of making known without the prison walls that such execution is taking and has taken place. No person shall be tried before a national court of Sierra Leone for acts for which he or she has already been tried by the Special Court. b.the offender is not present on the occasion of the conviction. The signature and attestation of the Magistrate holding the preliminary examination shall be sufficient. 219. 227. Only official editions of the Federal Register provide legal notice to the public and judicial notice to the courts under 44 U.S . All person qualified as jurors under this Act shall be liable to serve as such, not only at any session of the Supreme Court within the district for which they shall have been appointed, but also upon any Coroner's jury, when summoned to attend thereon. 166. PART I - GENERAL PROVISIONS PROCEDURE 3. The Laws of Sierra Leone on the Sierra Leone Web The Local Courts (Amendment) Act, 1965 ASSENTED to in Her Majesty's name this 1st day of October, 1965. (Particulars to specify pages and lines complained of where necessary as in book). (1) In this Part the expression "representative" in relation to a corporation means a person duly appointed by the corporation to represent it for the purpose of doing any act or thing by which the representative of a corporation is by this Part authorised to do, but a person so appointed shall not by virtue only of being so appointed, be qualified to act on behalf of the corporation before any Court for any other purpose. 74. 148. 62. Sets forth provisions relating to the formation and . The said Order of the Governor-General shall be sufficient authority in law to all persons to whom the same is directed to execute the sentence of death or other punishment awarded, and to carry out the directions therein given in accordance with the terms thereof. ARREST GENERALLY 4. INTRODUCTION The Rule of Law and Due Process have been the distinguishing factor which upholds the democratic tenants and constitutionality of states across the world, and it ensures that governments and the governed coexist in a healthy and responsible manner which oils the wheels of the state, and aids its productivity legally, He was one of a group of seventeen soldiers in the military of Sierra Leone who successfully staged a coup that ousted president Ahmad Tejan Kabbah in May 1997. Where such statement relates to an offence for which any person is then or subsequently committed for trial, it shall be transmitted to the Court in which such person is to be tried, and a copy thereof shall be transmitted to the Attorney-General. (1) At the close of the evidence for the prosecution and after the statement of the accused person before the committing Court has been put in evidence the Court shall in cases where the accused is not defended by counsel inform him of his right to address the Court, to give evidence on his own behalf of to make an unsworn statement and to call witnesses in his defence and in all cases shall require him or his counsel to state whether it is intended to call any witness as to fact other than the accused person himself. Calling of husband and wife in certain cases. No. DATED of. CXXXVIII, No. Accused or defendant to be called upon to plead. 212. In case where any person is so fined in his absence, the Registrar of the Court shall forthwith send him a written notice of the fact, requiring him to pay the fine or to show cause before the Court within four days, for not paying the. A warrant may be executed by the arrest of the accused at any place in Sierra Leone. (2) The following persons shall be charged and tried together, namely. Available Online Formats Add to Basket Items Details 186 (1) The Court may in its discretion from time to time adjourn the trial, if necessary. B. and C.D. 183. 135. (6)The accused who is to be admitted to bail shall procure such surety or sureties as in the opinion of the Court will be sufficient to ensure his appearance as and when required, and shall with him or them enter into a recognisance accordingly. Section 47 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion immediately after the word "makes" in the third line thereof, of the following words "or cases to be made". 8. before the Supreme Court unless in the meantime you receive other directions as to his disposal. sentenced/ordered to pay a fine/penalty of. AND WHEREAS default having been made in payment a warrant of distress has been issued, but no return has yet been made thereto: Now these are to command you to receive into your custody the saidand safely to keep him until, of.19..when you shall produce him before this Court, atm unless the said sum ofbe sooner paid, on receipt of which. 174. Declaration of execution by Sheriff. 45. 195. 39. 35. 12, pp. B, well knowing that one H. C. did on Western the, .Province of Sierra Leone murder C. D., did on the.Day the West Area, of Sierra Leone and onProvince. (1) If in the course of a trial with the aid of assessors, at any time prior to the finding any assessor from any sufficient cause is prevented from attending throughout the trial, the trial shall proceed with the aid of the remaining assessors. (4) Where, before trial upon indictment or at any stage of such trial, the Court is of opinion that the postponement of the trial of the accused is expedient as a consequence of the exercise of any power of the Court under this Act, the Court shall make such order as to the postponement of the trials as appears necessary. Condemned person to be informed of his right to appeal. OFFENCES BY NON-CITIZENS WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL SEA. 156. proof of any statement, and that the same was taken in all respects according to law, and such attestation and signature shall be admitted without proof unless the Court shall see reason to doubt the genuineness thereof. H.J.L. a)by the insertion immediately after the word "Court" in line one of subsection (5) of the words "in a civil case or matter"; b)by the substitution for the words "if the convicted person (or in a civil case, either of the parties)" in lines one and two of subsection (6) of the words "if in a civil case, either of the parties". 3. Sierra Leone Gazette Supplement: Acts, 1965-10-21, No. %PDF-1.3 % (2) In the case of persons who are charged jointly, if one or more (but not all) have elected in accordance with section 144 to be tried by the Court with the aid of assessors, he or they may withdraw that election and elect to be tried by a Judge alone provided this change of election is made before the time allowed by section 145 has expired, otherwise the change of election shall have no effect. A. 163. (4)) After the statement of the offence particulars of such offence shall be set out in ordinary language, in which the use of technical terms shall not be necessary. When a warrant is directed to more officers or persons than one it may be executed by all or by any one or more of them. DATED of.19 (This warrant may been endorsed as follows), If the said.shall enter into a recognisance himself in the sum of. The Sheriff shall keep such lists amongst the records of his office and shall also, at every sitting of the Supreme Court, have there a fair copy of such lists for the then current year for the inspection of any person whose name is borne on the said lists, or by any public officer, or by any legal practitioner in actual practice. 97. B., on heday the Western Area of Sierra Leone, being clerk or servant to. 65. (1) A warrant under the hand of the Judge or Magistrate by whom any person shall have been sentenced, ordering that the sentence shall be carried out in any prison within Sierra Leone, shall be sufficient authority to the keeper of such prison and to all other persons for carrying into effect the sentence described in such warrant, not being a sentence of death. Returns to be made to trial Court and Attorney-General. (4)For the purposes of this section, any appeal from any determination in any criminal proceedings before any court, or any case stated or question of law reserved, for the purposes of any such proceedings, to any other court shall be deemed part of those proceedings. The Sheriff, before the sitting of any Court whereat a jury shall be necessary, shall, on receiving from the Court a precept, issue summonses requiring the attendance thereat of the persons so drawn as aforesaid from the ballot box, and every such summons shall be personally served upon, or left at the usual or last known place of residence of the person so summoned, two clear days, or such other time as the Court may direct, before the day appointed for the sitting of the Court. (3)A licence may at any time be revoked or varied by the Governor-General and where a licence has been revoked, the persons to whom the licence related shall return to such place as the Governor-General may direct, and if he fails to do so, may be apprehended without warrant and taken to that place. If too long for this space continue overleaf). Arson, contrary to section 3 of the malicious Damage Act, 1861. 223. 182. 54. In theCOURT AT To.(Keeper of Prison or constable). (2)The Principal Immigration Officer shall during the first week of August in each year furnish the Senior Police Magistrate in Freetown, with a list of names of all aliens known to him to be resident in the Western Area. b.sentenced by a Court to a term of imprisonment, the Registrar or other proper officer of the Court shall soon as may be practicable, inform, the case of a member of the House, the Speaker, and. When the Court orders money to be paid by a person convicted upon summary conviction for a fine or penalty, and. For the purposes of sections 86 to 90. B.and C..D. were then carrying on a genuine business as jewelers the Western Area of Sierra. B. was a servant to J. S. and the he, said A. In the.Court at. 219. (1) At any time during the hearing of the change the Court may, if it thinks fit, adjourn the hearing. WHEREAS.(name) of.(address) was called Upon to enter into a recognisance to, prosecute (or to prosecute and give evidence or to give evidence) in the matter of a charge of, to be preferred againstat the sittings of the, Court to be holden at.on.the. Date of assent: 09 April 1976. (1) Where any person charged before a Magistrate's court with an offence triable upon indictment before the Supreme Court is committed for trial, and it appears to such Magistrate's Court after taking into account anything which may be said with reference thereto by the accused or the prosecutor, that the attendance at the trial of any witness who has been examined before it is unnecessary by reason of anything contained in any statement by the accused person, or of the evidence of the witness being merely of a formal nature, the Magistrate's Court shall, if the witness has not already been bound over, bind him over to attend the trial conditionally upon notice given to him and not otherwise, or shall, if the witness has already been bound over, direct that he shall be treated as having been bound over to attend only conditionally as aforesaid, and shall transmit to the Supreme Court a statement in writing of the names, addresses and occupations of the witnesses who are or who are to be treated as having been, bound over to attend the trial conditionally. 139. 236. PART VI - EXECUTION OF SENTENCES CAPITAL SENTENCES. The room or place in which the Court sits to hear and determine the charge shall be an open and public Court, to which the public generally shall have access as far as it can conveniently contain them. The Registrar or any other person directed by the Court shall endorse on, or annex to, every indictment and, every copy thereof to be delivered to the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff for service on the accused, a notice of trial, which notice shall be in the following form, or as near thereto as may be. (2)When the true name and place of resident have been ascertained he shall be released on his executing a bond, with or without sureties, to appear before a court if so required. 112. Issued under my hand and the Public Seal of Sierra Leone this. Magistrate's Courts have limited jurisdiction. 160. The Local Courts (Amendment) Act, 1965 Date of commencement. Customary law applies in the provinces The proviso to section 16 of the principal Act is hereby amended, a)by the substitution for the word "fifty pounds" in line two thereof of the words "two hundred leones"; and. To.(keeper of Prison or constable) at. Now these are to authorise and require you to enter on the record a statement that the proceedings are stayed by my direction. Both systems have been given legitimacy by the constitution and other statutory instruments. *In case of notice to the prosecutor these words should be struck out. 229. Particulars of Offence A. C.D., with intent to defraud, made or concurred in making a false entry in a cash book belonging to the said C.D., his employer, purporting to show that on the said day Le100 had been paid to L. M. A. Judicial notice to the public Seal of Sierra Leone, being clerk or servant to and that... Press is a department of the conviction remitted sierra leone court act, 1965 pdf certain cases to another Court upon... 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