Such loyalty is not fickle. 11 Loyal love moves us to reach out to those in distress. 9. What a marvelous blessing the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures has been! Because of his personal experience and his meditation on Gods dealings with others, David could confidently sing: Jehovah is . What grand future awaits all of Gods loyal ones? Rather, it was because of Jehovahs love for you and because he kept the oath that he had sworn to your forefathers that Jehovah brought you out with a mighty hand, to redeem you from the house of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.Deuteronomy 7:7,8. Jehovah is . 21 So, then, let us continue to imitate Jehovah God, who is abundant in loving-kindness. (Exodus 34:6; Ephesians 5:1) We can do so by willingly taking specific action, particularly in behalf of those in need. 12 Often the most effective way you can help a discouraged brother or sister is by lending a listening ear and by reassuring him or her of your love. Finally, the servant said: If you are actually exercising loving-kindness and trustworthiness toward my master, tell me; but if not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand or to the left.Ge 24 Verse49. Psalm 136:1-26 What does this psalm teach us about Jehovahs loyal love? Jehovah God. 18. WHAT BENEFITS COME TO THOSE WHO SHOW LOYAL LOVE. (Psalm 34:6) Jehovahs loyal love for his servants does not waver as long as they remain loyal to him. At one point his tumultuous reign was beset by intrigue, with members of his own nation plotting against him. Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, each of us should be grateful that Jehovahs loyal love endures forever.Romans 3:23. 7:9. 4,5. 16,17. ; 21:21. (Matthew 5:3) How wonderfully Jehovah satisfies the spiritual needs of his loyal ones! 19. For instance, we forge lasting friendships with others. How do Jehovahs loyal ones show that they delight in using the divine name? And they courageously declare Jehovahs name in their public ministry.Romans 10:10, 13-15. 2:8) He moved Ruth to reach out and show loyal love to Naomi. We can imagine that all three rejoiced over that wonderful outcome. When we observe how those in need regain their spiritual strength, we feel deep joy. What was the result? What trials befall Gods loyal ones, and what help do they have? Earlier, she had cried out in pain: Jehovah . 22 After some time had passed, Boaz provided a generous gift of food for Ruth and Naomi. Examining Jehovah Gods example will help us to display those qualities. Still, Jehovah did not break his covenant. (1John 2:15-17; 3:15-17) If not corrected, such pursuits and traits can result in the practice of serious sin and the eventual loss of Jehovahs approval. Psalm 136 provides an answer. 24. Who would be in a better position to make sure that his wish would be carried out than his influential son, Joseph? 20:9, 14, 15; 2Sam. Consider the example of David. Before his death, Jesus promised that the faithful and discreet slave would provide Jesus followers with spiritual food at the proper time. (Matthew 24:45) The remnant of the 144,000 anointed ones make up that slave class today. 9:4) We want to be imitators of God, as beloved children. (Eph. . Whatever trial befalls them, however, Jehovah is always ready to give comfort and spiritual strength to each one of them. (a)Jacob asked his son Joseph to do what for him? They were washed ashore on the island of Malta. 4 One example of human kindness relates to a group of shipwrecked people, including the apostle Paul. 17 The spiritual food that Jehovah provides is not only timely but also richly satisfying. He has been with me this whole time! (Read Psalm 136:23,26.) Along the way, however, three times Naomi urged the women to return to Moab. They love their brothers and sisters, and they are eager to do whatever they can to help them. By means of the ransomthe greatest demonstration of Jehovahs loyalty. Draw Close to Jehovah, Share In a psalm, David said of Jehovah: "He has not dealt with us according to our sins or given us what we deserve for our mistakes" (Ps. Absaloms revolt gained so much momentum that King David was forced to flee for his life.2Samuel 15:1-6, 12-17. opposed me, but now she exclaimed with joy: Jehovah . What good reasons do we have to show loyal love to one another? What did Abrahams servant tell Bethuel and Laban, and what issue did the servant raise? 17 What do we learn from this? The Jew, who sinned against the light of his revelation, will have a severer retribution than the Gentile who only sinned against the light of his own conscience; and the nations of Christendom who have rejected the gospel will incur a darker doom than the native . (a)Why should we display loving-kindness? After all, Bethuel was under no legal obligation to part with his daughter. We can deepen our understanding of what loyal love is by examining how some of Gods servants in the past showed this quality. ; 24:10) This is in line with the apostle Pauls admonition: Speak consolingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all.1Thess. Would divine loving-kindness be complemented with human loving-kindness? Let us consider a few. It also moves us to make sacrifices in order to help them. (2Samuel 16:23) But, in time, this trusted confidant turned traitor and joined in an organized rebellion against David. (Ruth 1:16) Naomi also saw Jehovahs hand when Boaz, one of their repurchasers, lovingly made generous provisions for the two women. In response, Ruth said to Boaz: You have comforted me and spoken reassuringly to your servant. (Ruth 2:12,13) The timely words of Boaz gave Ruth the strength she needed to carry on. This was done to make known the riches of his glory on vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory. (Romans 9:22,23) These vessels of mercy are rightly disposed ones who are anointed by holy spirit to be joint heirs with Christ in his Kingdom. And surely we will honor Jehovah and experience great joy as we carry on with one another loving-kindness.Zechariah 7:9. a For details on the type of marriage involved here, see Volume1, page370, of Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovahs Witnesses. Soon the end will come for all opposers of Jehovahs Kingdom.Revelation 11:15,18. How can we show loyal love today? Such love is denoted by a Hebrew word translated loving-kindness, or loyal love. King David of ancient Israel deeply appreciated Gods loving-kindness. This includes satisfying them with nourishing food. ^ par. (Gal. 3. As foretold in Ezekiel chapter38, Satan will soon complete his role as Gog of the land of Magog. This will involve a worldwide attack on Jehovahs people. Why, it is Jehovahs Kingdom! Why do kindhearted brothers and sisters reach out to those who are distressed? 17 Because we are considering the example of Naomi, we refer to sisters in need. 9 While they refuse to . (b)How do Gods loyal ones bless him? Jehovah thus stated: My word that goes out of my mouth . Why did Naomi conclude that Jehovah was opposing her? 1Samuel 24:1-22 In his treatment of King Saul, how did David display the kind of loyalty that Jehovah values? What happened? True, Jehovah is abundant in loyal love, and he delights to show mercy when there is a basis for it. As Genesis chapter47 relates, Jacob was then living in Egypt, and the days approached for [him] to die. (Ge 47 Verses27-29) He was concerned because he was going to die outside the land that God had promised to Abraham. Yes, he pays attention to what they say. you must exercise loving-kindness and trustworthiness toward me. Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Such timely and warm commendation will give the brothers and sisters the strength they need to carry on.Read Isaiah 32:1,2. . King David wrote: To you [Jehovah] the eyes of all look hopefully, and you are giving them their food in its season. Jehovah helped them to understand that the primary issue, involving the whole universe, relates to Jehovahs rightful sovereignty. What crucial time draws near, and how can we deal with it? . . Why do we want to keep on showing loyal love to our fellow believers? How did Jehovah react to Naomis bitter words? No matter what the cause, all such dear ones have needs that can and should be filled by our willing and enduring acts of loving-kindness.1Thessalonians 5:14. 7 Genesis 24:28-67 relates the rest of the story of Abrahams servant, mentioned in the preceding article. This important aspect of loyal love is mentioned 26 times in Psalm 136. Ruth, however, went beyond that. WE HAVE good reasons to show loyal love to one another. What gave Ruth the strength she needed to carry on? 103:8-11). That Jehovahs loyalty is neither blind nor gullible. One way to prove loyal to Jehovah is by showing respect for an unbelieving marriage mate (See paragraph 9) 9 In South America, Olga [1] proved loyal to God by showing respect for her husband even under trying circumstances. 2. 5. Obadiah1-4, 10-16 How did Jehovahs loyalty to his people move him to punish the Edomites for their disloyal conduct? Ruth would now be able to provide an heir for Naomi, who was beyond the age of childbearing. Consider an example. ; 24:10) This is in line with the apostle Pauls admonition: Speak consolingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all.1Thess. 18 Gods punishment of the wicked is in itself an act of loyalty. How do we benefit from showing loyal love? Earlier, she had cried out in pain: Jehovah . 9 Jehovah is loyal in all that he does. (Psalm 145:17) In what way? Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 12. What gave Ruth the strength she needed to carry on? 4 As we learned in the preceding article, Jehovah reserves his loyal lovehis enduring feelings of loving attachmentfor those who love him and serve him. 2 Jehovah shows love for his true worshipers in a precious, lasting way. While there, Naomis husband died. In this article, we will consider what we can learn from the examples of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz. Moreover, millions of Bible study aids continue to be published in over 300 languages. We read: Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and departed. How can we imitate Jehovah in showing loyal love? 18. . (Genesis 24:12, 14,27) Would Bethuel be willing to do the same by allowing Rebekah to go with Abrahams servant? Esther 3:7-9; 4:65:1 How did Esther demonstrate godly loyalty toward her people, even at the risk of her life? ( Ps 63:3) We too should show loyal love to others. His counsel was esteemed as if it were the direct word of Jehovah. Yet, she stuck with Naomi. great in loving-kindness.PSALM 145:8. This is the personal name of God in the Hebrew Bible and is found nearly 7000 times within its pages. (a)What motivates someone to show loyal love? What recent example is there of spiritual food that is both timely and richly satisfying? JEHOVAH GOD'S Word exhorts us to love "loving-kindness." ( Micah 6:8, footnote) It also gives us reasons why we should do so. Jehovahs reputation is so impeccable in this regard that his servant Joshua was able to say: Not a promise failed out of all the good promises that Jehovah had made to the house of Israel; all of them came true. (Joshua 21:45) We can be confident, then, that we will never be led to disappointment because of some failure on Jehovahs part to live up to his promises.Isaiah 49:23; Romans 5:5. 21. (2Cor. Nahum Sokolow, Zionist leader, 1922, Carlsbad Conference We hate Christianity and Christians; even the best of them must be looked upon as our worst neighbors. But Ruth did not give up. How does loyal love compare with loyalty? 15-16. Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. Helping the brothers is a great source of joy and satisfaction to me! Caring elders everywhere wholeheartedly agree. But we try not to take it personally. She told them: I was full when I went, but Jehovah made me return empty-handed. (Ruth 1:21) Imagine how Ruth must have felt on hearing those words from Naomi! 15 In his loyal love, Jehovah repeatedly comes to the aid of his people when they are in distress. 17 Bethuel, Joseph, and Ruth showed loving-kindness willingly; they were moved to do so from within. For example, the psalmist called the moon a faithful witness in the skies because of its regular nightly appearance. ^ par. And Jehovah moved Boaz to encourage her. 17:17. What do we learn from Ruths example? Ruth tells Naomi: Where you go I will go (See paragraph13), 13. Since Jehovah is perfectly consistent, the loyalty he shows toward his faithful servants never wanes. Just as Ruth stuck with Naomi, kindhearted brothers and sisters today willingly stick with those in the congregation who are despondent or depressed. The marriage took place, and when Ruth later gave birth, the women of Bethlehem cried out: A son has been born to Naomi. (Ruth 4:14,17) Ruth truly was an excellent woman, who thus was rewarded by Jehovah with the wonderful privilege of becoming an ancestress of Jesus Christ.Ruth 2:12; 3:11; 4:18-22; Matthew 1:1, 5,6. THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION November2021, Share 9, 10. Since 2001, the literature produced by the Watch Tower Society is said to have been "published by Jehovah's Witnesses". (John 21:15-17) I love to make visits at the homes of brothers or call them for no other reason than to show I was thinking of them, says one Christian elder. She became so overwhelmed by anguish that she concluded that Jehovah was opposing her. How painful that must have been for Ruth! ( Jas. How painful that must have been for Ruth! What are some of them? He reveals his personal name, which appears more times in the Bible than any other name. Elders need to give timely and warm encouragement to those who extend loyal love to others. (b)In what way will Jehovah demonstrate his loyalty to those of his servants who have been persecuted to the point of death? In that year, God established the heavenly Messianic Kingdom with Jesus Christ, the Son of David, as King. When Naomi learned that Jehovah had turned his attention to his people by giving them food, she decided to return to her home. (a)What is loyalty? Those who showed loyal love did so, not because they had to, but because their hearts impelled them. Willingly and gently, Ruth helped her mother-in-law to regain her emotional and spiritual balance. (Psalm 16:10) How, then, can it be said that Jehovah alone is loyal? Third, pursuing loyal love leads to future blessings, including everlasting life. 8 Proof that Jehovah now reigns through the Kingdom of his Son, Jesus Christ, is seen in the ongoing fulfillment of the sign of Jesus presence. 41:1) Proverbs 19:17 states: The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah, and He will repay him for what he does., Ruth clings to Naomi, her mother-in-law, while Orpah returns to Moab. I will not look down angrily on you, for I am loyal. (Jeremiah 3:12) As noted in Chapter25, however, most of the Israelites were not moved. (a)Today, what choice do loving brothers and sisters make? 19. For instance, we forge lasting friendships with others. Explain how Jehovahs dealings with Israel highlight his loyalty. Throughout all his adversity, David knew that indeed there was. Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. Because loyalty is an expression of lovesomething that inanimate things cannot display. She too was free to leave, but out of loyal love, she decided to stay to help her needy relative. Then the angel says to Jehovah: You, the One who is and who was, the loyal One, are righteous, for you have issued these judgments, because they poured out the blood of holy ones and of prophets, and you have given them blood to drink; they deserve it.Revelation 16:1-6. Her two sons got married, but sadly, they too died. How do two Bible examples cited here illustrate the difference between human kindness and loving-kindness? The woman he had chosen for his idol the shrine at which his pure devotions of heart and soul were offeredwas a gay and beautiful Creole from New Orleans, who, with her mother, and a young gentleman who appeared in the capacity of friend . And does loving-kindness differ from normal human kindness or from kindness in general? They do so primarily by praising him or by speaking well of him. . 3:3,4; 11:17, ftn. 17. How did Ruth show her persistence? 19 Application: Today, a sister in distress may initially speak to us in a hurtful waydespite all our efforts to help her. 3 Regarding Jehovah God, the prophet Samuels mother, Hannah, said: The feet of his loyal ones he guards. (1Samuel 2:9) Who are such loyal ones? They love their brothers and sisters, and they are eager to do whatever they can to help them. 9 In the book of Ruth, we read the story of Naomi, her daughter-in-law Ruth, and a God-fearing man named Boaz, who was a relative of Naomis husband. 18 Do not take it personally. 7:9. To deepen our understanding of loyal love, let us see how it compares with loyalty, as that term is commonly used. has not failed in his loyal love. What might have contributed to Naomis changed attitude? 19. | By listening, we can help a discouraged brother or sister (See paragraph12). . The blessings that Jehovah loyally extends to his faithful servants are everlasting. When he foretells something, it comes to pass. Balei ngi lah ban ong ba ka jingsiewspah ka dei ka jingai sngewbha a ngi shimet shimet? 5 Does Jehovah take note when his loyal ones praise him? God is love.. What makes the loving-kindness of Bethuel, Joseph, and Ruth especially meaningful, and what moved them to display this quality? Such timely and warm commendation will give the brothers and sisters the strength they need to carry on.Read Isaiah 32:1,2. He may not always agree with the policies of that company. JEHOVAH IS "ABUNDANT IN LOYAL LOVE" 3. In the Bible, what motive stands out in the acts of loyal love shown among Gods people? Loyal love is motivated by commitment, integrity, loyalty, and deep attachment. 20. What special aspect of love does Jehovah show for those who are in a dedicated relationship with him? What lesson does this account contain? Indeed, we have good reasons for heeding Jehovahs reminder: Deal with one another in loyal love and mercy.Zech. But the points in this article apply equally to brothers. Joseph Brodsky<br><br>Out of nowhere with love, the thirteenth martobra,<br>dear, respected, sweet, but never mind<br>even who, for the heck of it, speaking<br>frankly, don't remember already, not yours but<br>and no one's loyal friend greets you with one<br>from five continents, holding on to cowboys;<br>I loved you more than I loved angels and myself.<br>and therefore farther from you now . Which he prepared beforehand for glory or by speaking well of him to his people move to. 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