As a result, nystagmus symptoms may be reduced. Weiss AH, Biersdorf WR. The cause of multidirectional and vertical nystagmus can be metabolic, toxic or structural so they can be seen with conditions as disparate as phenytoin Nystagmus Diagnosis When nystagmus is a new symptom WebCause: This condition is caused by a change in the genetic material (DNA). Diagnostic criteria in dominantly inherited juvenile optic atrophy: a report of three new families. Of note, the oculomotor abnormalities often improve with increasing age. Cyclotorsional and rotary nystagmus have been observed associated with compression of the rostral midbrain (INC and midbrain tegmentum), which is consistent with their role in the planning of vertical and cyclovertical eye movements. Patients with gaze position differences often adopt a compensatory head turn to align the target at this eccentric gaze position where retinal slip is minimized and visual acuity is optimized. This type of nystagmus is congenital, meaning people are born with it. Acquired nystagmus in babies occurs at least several months after birth, with some cases occurring as early as 6 months old. Certain medications, such as antiseizure drugs. Previous studies have shown that approximately 90% of INS occurs in association with a visual sensory disorder of the eye that is either anatomical or functional.1-3 The remaining group of infants has either an underlying metabolic or neurological disorder, a central nervous system (CNS) malformation of the cerebellum and brainstem, hydrocephalus, or an underlying neuroblastoma. The carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndromes include a heterogeneous group of multisystem genetic disorders characterized by defective addition of oligosaccharides to the asparagine moiety of glycoproteins. Adults with acquired nystagmus describe their vision as shaky.. WebNystagmus most commonly affects both of the eyes. Cruz-Martin A, El-Danaf RN, Osakada F, et al. Review of the perinatal history and age at achievement of relevant physical and motor milestones is important. Although the onset of disease is in infancy, the retinal degeneration progresses with advancing age. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) can reveal 6 distinct layers or a reduced number and poorly defined retinal layers.54. WebNystagmus is the involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyes. The cause is often unknown, or idiopathic, and thus referred to as idiopathic nystagmus. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reveals the characteristic molar tooth sign, which refers to the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)-filled interpeduncular fossa, hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, and horizontally oriented and thickened superior cerebellar peduncles. These locations include the foramina of Monroe, the posterior 3rd ventricle, the aqueduct of Sylvius, the 4th ventricle, and the 4th ventricle foramina. Central nervous system disorders such as with a cerebellar problem, the nystagmus can be in any direction including horizontal. Pasik P, Pasik T, Bender MB. A subset of patients with CRB1 mutations with perivascular sheathing can develop retinal telangiectasis, exudative detachment, and neovascular glaucoma. Pupillary area decreases with increasing irradiance over a 9 log unit range.9 The initial constriction of the pupil peaks at 200msec in response to the illuminant; however, the pupillary light response (PLR) persists for 30sec.10-11 The prolonged pupillary light response (PLR) is related to a unique sensitivity to short-wavelength blue light. Zellweger is the most severe phenotype with severe hypotonia, neonatal seizures, neuronal migration defects, and hepatomegaly. Absence of paternally expressed imprinted genes at 15q11.2-q13, Absence of maternally expressed imprinted genes at 15q11.2-q13, Oculocutaneous albinism associated with systemic disease. Paradoxically, visual acuity is reduced despite normal OCT imaging of the macula, normal cone density amplitude of the central hexagon (2 subtense) of the multifocal ERG, and normal cortical representation of the macula. Nystagmus can affect both children and adults. Babies with this condition start to show symptoms between six weeks and three months of age. Balance complaints were recorded for 38% with peripheral disturbances and 21% with central disturbances.56These percentages probably are low given that many of these children present with dizziness Disorders of the vestibular apparatus, which includes the semicircular canals and the otolithic organ (saccule and utricle), are provoked with specific head movements and can be unilateral or bilateral. The remaining half generated targeted saccades that were either hypometric or hypermetric. Behr C. Die komplizierte, hereditr-familire Optikusatrophie des Kindesalters: ein bisher nicht beschriebener Symptomkompleks. but ranging from 20/25 to 20/200. Early onset disease is characterized by hypotonia, developmental delay microcephaly, seizures, and MRI abnormalities (hydrocephalus, white matter edema and attenuation, and progressive cerebral atrophy). Ocular motor signs in an infant with carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome type Ia. The infant who is visually unresponsive on a cortical basis. Schulman JA, Shults WT, Jones JM Jr. Monocular vertical nystagmus as an initial sign of chiasmal glioma. The remaining 30% of cases are secondary to extraventricular obstruction. Hydrocephalus is a common CNS abnormality with frequent onset prenatally or in infancy. Visualization of the boundary between the hypoplastic optic nerve and the surrounding retina in the background of an eye in continuous motion is problematic. Involvement of PLEKHM1 in osteoclastic vesicular transport and osteopetrosis in incisors absent rats and humans. Peroxisomal disorders are divided into two groups: peroxisomal biogenesis disorders (PBDs) in which there is a generalized deficiency of peroxisomal enzymes deficiency (Zellweger syndrome) or of a single peroxisomal enzyme (like ALD protein in X-linked adrenal leukodystrophy or phytanoyl CoA hydroxylase in Refsum disease). There are many neurological diseases that can be Congenital nystagmus. In contrast, incomplete SNB shows a reduced b-wave in response to a light flash under scotopic conditions and a near-normal response to a bright flash or a flash flickering at 30 Hz under photopic conditions. Compression of the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF), which is the burst generator for vertical saccades, is associated with paresis of upward saccades and down-gaze position bias.43-45 Of special note, upward smooth pursuits may be intact. Causes Nystagmus is a symptom of some neurological illnesses and conditions that involve the inner ear. Another useful clinical test is the rapid head thrust test during which the subjects head is rapidly turned in alternate directions while the subject is fixating on a stationary, central target. Electroretinograms (ERGs) are performed to quantify retinal function and to follow the progression of the disease and response to treatment. I. Disturbances of gaze and body posture. Ophthalmic complications of slit-ventricle syndrome in children. All conditions constituted by acute dizziness (with or without audiological symptoms), associated with nausea and/or vomiting, enduring a day or more, are included in the term acute vestibular syndrome [5,6].Potential causes range from benign to deadly, Differentiating the various types of nystagmus can help differentiate central vs peripheral causes of vertigo. Inheritance is autosomal recessive or X-linked. One overlooked aspect of the infant with INS is the potential impact on interpersonal interactions. Reduction of mean acuity in INS with associated visual sensory defect is attributed to the underlying visual sensory defect and exceeds the acuity reduction of isolated INS.18 The rate of acuity development in children with albinism, aniridia, and mild to moderate bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia (BONH) parallels that of normal children. Caloric testing entails irrigation of the external auditory canal with warm/cold air or water to elicit a conjugate eye movement. Farmer J, Hoyt CS. The main symptom is blurry vision. Furthermore, the OCT may provide information about the underlying genotype and progression of disease. a right-beating nystagmus is characterized by a rightward-moving quick phase, and a left-beating nystagmus by a leftward-moving quick phase). WebDirection-changing positional nystagmus (DCPN) is a nystagmus that changes its direction with different body and head positions. Stark KL, Gibson JB, Hertle RW, Brodsky MC. Nystagmus (ni-stag-muhs) is a condition in which your eyes make rapid, repetitive, uncontrolled movements such as up and down (vertical nystagmus), side to side (horizontal nystagmus) or in a circle (rotary nystagmus). This finding should prompt neuroimaging to exclude JS and other forms of oculomotor apraxia. The subject is instructed to fixate on a near target, during which the head is manually rotated clockwise or counterclockwise over short and unpredictable intervals by the examiner. Nystagmus that occurs later in childhood or in adulthood is called acquired nystagmus. [citation needed], A Cochrane Review on interventions for eye movement disorders due to acquired brain injury, updated in June 2017, identified three studies of pharmacological interventions for acquired nystagmus but concluded that these studies provided insufficient evidence to guide treatment choices. multiple sclerosis. A complete blood cell count and femur radiography to evaluate bone density are recommended for infants with optic atrophy and congenital nystagmus for whom there is no obvious basis. Infants with suspected retinal disease need electroretinogram (ERG) testing but, owing to developmental immaturities of the ERG, testing is usually delayed until 6 months to one year of age. Nystagmus can be clinically investigated by using a number of non-invasive standard tests. Learning everything you can about nystagmus can help you make an informed decision about your health. Detection of a relative afferent pupillary defect provides objective evidence of better visual potential in the eye that is responsive to light. Congenital bilateral optic atrophy is associated with INS. Confirmation of the diagnosis is by full-field electroretinogram testing which shows normal scotopic responses and severely reduced to extinguished photopic responses. The large number of potentially defective proteins predisposes affected individuals to multisystem disease with multiple phenotypes. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), which defines retinal anatomy at a resolution near 10 microns, enables semi-quantitation of its severity across patients.27 Therefore, comprehensive assessments of INS patients should include OCT testing using the handheld OCT instrument in younger children and the slit-lamp mounted OCT instrument in older children. All forms have autosomal recessive inheritance but the clinical severity of disease is highly variable.35 This disorder can result from two different cellular anomalies: a failure to form osteoclasts or a failure to activate mature osteoclasts. Congenital nystagmus with an abrupt onset during the first 3 months of life is usually the presenting clinical sign. Diseases of the central nervous system. Nystagmus can be continuous or paroxysmal, or evoked by certain maneuvers such as specific gaze or head positions. Owing to the wide variation in skin and hair pigmentation across racial and ethnic groups, the clinical diagnosis is most consistently confirmed on the basis of the ocular findings. Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. The hallmark of a unilateral or bilateral peripheral vestibulopathy is a constant velocity, slow phase nystagmus that is elicited in darkness but suppressed in the light. Causes of vestibular-related nystagmus. It may only last seconds, or may be permanent. The skin pigmentation may be within the normal range but subnormal relative to that of other family members. In albinism, the ratio of crossed to uncrossed axons is much higher, resulting in the loss of spatial overlap of corresponding nasal and temporal locations in the 2 eyes and the loss of binocular correspondence. The surgery aims to reduce the eye oscillations, which in turn tends to improve visual acuity.[37]. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is vertigo?, What is vertigo associated with?, Types of vertigo? Previously considered untreatable, in recent years several drugs have been identified for treatment of nystagmus. Your healthcare provider can help you find a treatment that works for you. The wide clinical spectrum parallels the genetic heterogeneity with at least 14 different genes associated with LCA to date. Therefore, the presence of INS prior to or following bilateral cataract surgery should prompt evaluation of the macula. As a result, symptoms can be successfully managed with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) is the second most common cause of severe visual impairment with INS in children less than one year of age (retinopathy of prematurity is the first). Pathological nystagmus is the result of damage to one or more components of the vestibular system, including the semicircular canals, otolith organs, and the vestibulocerebellum. A survey conducted in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom found that by the age of two, one in every 670 children had manifested nystagmus. Prevalence of vestibular and balance disorders in children. Pressure on the vertical gaze integrator (Interstitial Nucleus of Cajal, INC) is associated with vertical gaze-evoked nystagmus.43-45 Pressure on the posterior commissure is correlated with convergence-retraction nystagmus. Nystagmus occurs when the semicircular canals are stimulated (e.g., by means of the caloric test, or by disease) while the head is stationary. Functional abnormalities of this shared output likely account for the high prevalence of INS in patients with bilateral congenital corneal opacities, cataracts, macular hypoplasia (albinism and aniridia) and hypoplasia or malformations of the optic nerves. Molecular testing reveals duplication or missense, insertional or deletional mutations of the PLP gene. Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) includes a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders of the retina associated with reduced visual acuity ranging from 20/40 to 20/200, diminished vision in the dark, high incidence of nystagmus (50%) and normal fundi. Gamlin PD, Zhang H, Clarke RJ. In the most comprehensive study of the prevalence of vestibular and balance disorders in children, which included data from 561,151 patient encounters, cumulative prevalence of diagnoses related to balance was 0.45% (n=2,546) For 5,793 (1.03%) of patients, the chief complaint was related to balance, and 2,076 (35.84%) also had a vestibular disorder. Children with congenital nystagmus usually have it in both eyes. Arrested development: high-resolution imaging of foveal morphology in albinism. Documentation of sluggishly reactive or non-reactive pupils bilaterally suggests severe loss of retinal or optic nerve function due to bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia, Leber congenital amaurosis, severe onset cone-rod dystrophy, or congenital retinal dysplasia. Early-onset nystagmus occurs more frequently than acquired nystagmus. Characteristics of the pupillary light reflex in the macaque monkey: metrics. The observation of a PLR in the absence of rod and cone function,12 or following extinction of the illuminant, suggested there is an additional pupillary pathway. Developmental and past medical history is critical for the identification of those with underlying systemic disease. Based on the pattern of isoelectric focusing of transferrin, patients are diagnosed with CDG-1 or CDG-2. Ho CY, Mobley BC, Gordish-Dressman H, et al. Nystagmus and related fixation instabilities following extraction of unilateral infantile cataract in the Infant Aphakia Treatment Study (IATS). CT and MRI scan confirm cerebellar hypoplasia. Borderline ONH is associated with mild macular hypoplasia confirmed by OCT. The test involves observation of the suspect's pupil as it follows a moving object, noting, The horizontal gaze nystagmus test has been highly criticized and major errors in the testing methodology and analysis found. Albinism is the sensory disorder most frequently associated with INS.25-26 Albinism includes a group of genetic disorders characterized by a congenital reduction of melanin pigment that can be limited to the eye (ocular albinism) but is more likely to involve the skin, hair, and eyes (oculocutaneous albinism [OCA]) (Table 2). Conerod dystrophy with onset in infancy is especially problematic because of the regional distribution of cone photoreceptors, phenotypical diversity, and association with a wide range of systemic diseases. Visual acuity ranges from 20/40 (Teller acuity card) to no light perception, but most infants present with severely reduced visual orienting behaviors. Underdeveloped control over eye movements. Nystagmus. Normally, the ratio of crossed to uncrossed, retinofugal axons is 53:47 in the optic chiasm. The second type is Fundus Albipunctatus in which there are multiple yellow-white flecks throughout the retina sparing the macula. Anikster Y, Kleta R, Shaag A, Gahl WA, Elpeleg O. In medicine, the presence of nystagmus can be benign, or it can indicate an underlying visual or neurological problem. Microcysts in the inner nuclear layer from optic atrophy are caused by retrograde trans-synaptic degeneration combined with vitreous traction on the retinal surface. The cause of pathological nystagmus may be congenital, idiopathic, or secondary to a pre-existing neurological disorder. Some medications can reduce nystagmus symptoms in adults, such as gabapentin (antiseizure), baclofen (muscle relaxant) and onabotulinumtoxina (Botox). Pong M, Fuchs AF. Infants are presented with a rectangular gray card on which there is a grating embedded on one side that is matched in mean luminance to the gray background (Figure 1). Can J Ophthalmol. Three genotypes (GUCY2D, CEP290 and CRB1) account for 50% of all cases. But you can reduce troublesome symptoms by treating the underlying cause. Clinically the diagnosis of JS should be considered when a developmentally delayed child with hypotonia and nystagmus generates a gaze shift using a head movement rather than an eye movement. Underlying choroidal vessels can be directly visualized. These infants tend to have large tumors having pathological features consistent with diffuse infiltrating glioma ( ). [4] The semicircular canals in the vestibule of the ear sense angular acceleration, and send signals to the nuclei for eye movement in the brain. The presence of nystagmus is highly correlated with reduced retinal function, even when the retina appears to be normal. Ask your healthcare provider for resources. 2016-2017:248. Infantile phytanic acid storage disease and infantile Refsum disease are milder forms of Zellweger syndrome. The direction of the slow phase component can be horizontal, torsional, or a combination of both directions when each of three canals is affected. The presence of dyschromatopsia can only be confirmed in infants in the laboratory setting by showing normal VEP responses to black/white patterns and reduced responses to isoluminant color stimuli. Osteopetrosis is a rare cause of optic atrophy with severe progressive visual loss and INS that is easily overlooked. Physical or occupational therapy is also used to treat nystagmus. Likewise, inquiries concerning family members with neurologic, metabolic, or genetic disorders can suggest an underlying systemic disorder. Affected infants present with failure to thrive, feeding difficulties, psychomotor retardation, hypotonia, esotropia, inverted nipples, lipodystrophy, pericardial effusion, and hepatic dysfunction. Aminoglycoside toxicity is characterized by the bilateral loss of hair cells and by nephrotoxicity. It was featured on NBN News, and ABC Radio Newcastle, in Australia. Congenital infections due to cytomegalovirus (CMV) are associated with hearing loss and vestibular nystagmus owing to viral-mediated damage of the hair cells within the cochlea and vestibular apparatus. Inheritance can be autosomal dominant or recessive and X-linked. Nguyen TN, Polomeno RC, Farmer JP, Montes JL. GEN is distinguished from INS by its minimal amplitude in primary gaze and larger, direction-changing amplitude of the slow phase in lateral gazes. The ipRGCs project to the pretectum (the midbrain region responsible for the PLR), the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) (the area of the brain responsible for circadian rhythms), and the inter-geniculate leaflet. The primary physician to whom the family first presents is therefore faced with the daunting task of weeding through a broad spectrum of ophthalmological and systemic disorders. As proof of concept, the authors performed a tenotomy and re-attachment of the lateral recti of each eye in an 8-year-old child. - 'My Dancing Eyes,' created by filmmaker Matt Morris. Bilateral cataracts are frequently associated with INS in developing countries, owing to late detection and delayed removal. It is helpful to routinely coordinate the ERG with an OCT in order to learn more about the anatomical architecture of the retina and to help guide genetic testing. Treatment consists of learning strategies to compensate for the impaired system. To disambiguate a voluntary gaze shift to the pattern grating from a gaze shift generated by the underlying nystagmus, the TACs are held vertically where the gratings are horizontally oriented. When acquired, it most often is caused by abnormalities of vestibular input. The presence of INS indicates there is bilateral involvement, whereas unilateral disease can be associated with fusion maldevelopment nystagmus owing to the loss of binocular input. In pendular nystagmus, the eye motion is like a pendulum swinging back and forth. Symptoms of nystagmus include: Uncontrolled eye movement. Barkovich AJ, Millen KJ, Dobyns WB. In addition, pigmentary dilution of the retinal pigment epithelium predisposes to absent or reduced binocularity and strabismus owing to abnormalities of visual pathway routing. In many cases it may result in reduced or limited vision. The nystagmus can be provoked by change in head position or angular rotation of the child around an earth-vertical axis while wearing Fresnel or high hyperopic lenses to blur vision. Head trauma. A history of bacterial meningitis and/or exposure to systemic antibiotics, particularly aminoglycosides, in the perinatal period is potentially another risk factor for vestibular nystagmus. Nystagmus may be caused by congenital disorder or sleep deprivation, acquired or central nervous system disorders, toxicity, pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, or rotational movement. JS is readily distinguished from other forms of INS by the associated clinical findings including developmental delay, hypotonia, ataxia, episodic breathing difficulties in infancy, and eye movement abnormalities. Clinically, these patients present in infancy with photophobia, subnormal visual acuity, conjugate pendular nystagmus, and normal-appearing fundi. inner ear problems. [3] Authors of another study in the United Kingdom estimated an incidence of 24 in 10,000 (c. 0.240%), noting an apparently higher rate amongst white Europeans than in individuals of Asian origin. Dyschromatopsia is confirmed in older children who fail color discrimination testing (Panel D-15 or Farnsworth Munsell 100 color plates). Defective biosynthesis of proteolipid protein in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. Spontaneous and induced nystagmus, and "lightning" eye movements. Expansion of the ventricles due to increased CSF production or diminished outflow is associated with progressive expansion of the ventricles and compression of the cortical and brainstem parenchyma. The temperature gradient provokes the stimulation of the horizontal semicircular canal and the consequent nystagmus. Dacey DM, Liao HW, Peterson BB, et al. Disorders of cobalamins are rare, but mandatory newborn screening has led to increased and earlier detection. Liver biopsy reveals steatosis. In the elderly, stroke is the most common cause. Hoyt CS. Two main types of nystagmus: pendular nystagmus (eyes move repetitively in a sinusoidal pattern) and jerk nystagmus (eyes move slowly in one direction and rapidly correct in the opposite direction). People who were born with another eye problem sometimes have nystagmus, too. If you have nystagmus, your eyes will move slowly in one direction, then quickly in the other. WebIt may be a sign of another eye problem or medical condition. Clinical assessment begins with a careful review of the birth and developmental history. There are two types: congenital and acquired. Of 1,196 patients whose abnormal electronystagmographic (ENG) traces were reviewed, 46 (3.8 per cent) showed DCPN. Jerk nystagmus has a slow phase in on WebThe most common central causes of dizziness and vertigo are cerebrovascular disorders related to the vertebrobasilar circulation, migraine, multiple sclerosis, tumors of the A novel mutation of this gene includes fundus hypopigmentation, foveal hypoplasia, and a protan color defect. This type of surgery doesnt cure nystagmus, but it allows you to keep your head in a more comfortable position, thereby limiting eye movement. Early-onset nystagmus itself is usually mild and non-progressive. Gelbart SS, Hoyt CS. Joubert syndrome (JS) is a genetic disorder in which INS (horizontal, pendular nystagmus) is frequently present. In individuals with nystagmus, the areas of the brain that control eye movements dont work properly. Inner ear conditions, such as Menieres disease. Nystagmus severity can be invariant in all gaze positions or can vary with horizontal gaze position. The location of a vertical grating is randomly switched to the left or right of central gaze. [33] Several therapeutic approaches, such as contact lenses,[34] drugs, surgery, and low vision rehabilitation have also been proposed. Smooth-pursuit could not be elicited or gains were variably reduced. Family history of nystagmus, albinism, reduced visual acuity, and optic nerve or retinal disease can help narrow the diagnostic possibilities. The fundus can be normal or there can be an atrophic or bulls eye maculopathy, granular pigmentation of the RPE, superficial white dots, peripheral telangiectasia, chorioretinal atrophy and vascular attenuation. WebThe cause of multidirectional and vertical nystagmus can be metabolic, toxic or structural so they can be seen with conditions as disparate as phenytoin intoxication, Wernicke's Osteopetrosis is characterized by a mutation of an endosomal chloride channel.36 Reduced activity of this chloride channel results in a deficiency of the HCL and proteases needed to resorb bone, resulting in increased skeletal mass. Detection of optic atrophy should initiate evaluation for hereditary optic atrophy. 2. A subset of patients may have a seesaw nystagmus characterized by a conjugate horizontal component superimposed on a vertical dysconjugacy. [35], Surgical treatment of congenital nystagmus is aimed at improving head posture, simulating artificial divergence, or weakening the horizontal recti muscles. The physiological basis for stable gaze holding is established early in visual development, presumably initiated by direction selective ganglion cells (dsGC), which represent the major output of the retina.21-24 The retinofugal axons of dsGC corresponding to the fovea and extrafoveal retina then stream within the optic nerves to the lateral geniculate nucleus or to pre-tectal nuclei within the accessory optic system. Two forms can be distinguished on the basis of differential ERG responses and dark adaptation testing: complete (cCSNB) and incomplete (icCSNB) stationary night blindness. Retinal ganglion cell maps in the brain: implications for visual processing. Pupillary responses of infants are particularly difficult to evaluate because the pupils are small, owing to delayed development of the dilator muscles and to involuntary constriction to near stimuli. High hyperopia is more prevalent in LCA. PMD gene encodes two proteins: proteolipid protein (PLP) and DM 20. WebHyperemesis gravidarum can impair correct absorption of an adequate amount of thiamine and can cause electrolyte imbalance. The complete form of CSNB is associated with mutations of the genes GRM6 (metabotropic glutamate receptor 6), NYX (Nyctalopin) and TRPM1 (transient receptor potential cation channel). A dedicated circuit links direction-selective retinal ganglion cells to the primary visual cortex. Many drugs/toxins cause nystagmus, particularly in overdose. Of transferrin, patients are diagnosed with CDG-1 or CDG-2 Refsum disease are milder of... The optic chiasm defined retinal layers.54 INS that is responsive to light nuclear layer optic... Symptoms by treating the underlying genotype and progression of disease of crossed to uncrossed, retinofugal axons is 53:47 the... The retina sparing the macula but subnormal relative to that of other family members to JS... 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