A standardized meat product is one that has a standard prescribed by regulation. products use small meat pieces, chunks, chips or slices. The following methods have been found acceptable for this purpose: Care must be taken as to the location where ingredients are stored, prepared, mixed or measured. A major reason for the difference in thiamin content in some comminuted meat products between US and UK tables, is the use of a preservative in UK, namely sulphur dioxide, which destroys most of the . The operator is required to ensure that any packaging material that is used in the sale of food products will not impart any undesirable substance to the meat product, either chemically, physically or microbiologically and must protect them sufficiently to avoid contamination. hM6E+ 23(toft%Q&/|5)^0~#3w{hH|h0F#G#G?5x=)c/. The standards for lard, shortening and tallow are listed in Schedule I of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. The operator must maintain suitable records to demonstrate that all of the critical control points (CCP) for the process have been met (for example, casing diameter, fermentation room (green room) thermographs, pH at the end of the fermentation step of the process, aw.). Quality attributes of meat and meat products are often described in terms of protein functionality, i.e., any inherent or process-generated property of proteins that affects physi-cal and sensory characteristics of raw and finished products. Provided that effective controls for tracing product are in place and all corresponding dry fermented sausage manufacturing processes have been validated as achieving at least a 2. The following processes have been scientifically validated as achieving a 5D or greater reduction of E.coliO157:H7. Collect the identified product so that the sample equals approximately 900 grams 10% For product collected in its final packaging, place the packaged sample in a non sterile bag Operator's examination technique in which product is sampled from each production line or common source at a specified frequency to determine the ability of the process to produce wholesome product. The effects of dietary fiber addition on the water distribution, water binding capacity (WBC), and textural properties of a fat-reduced model meat system enriched with inulin, cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), chitosan, pectin, respectively, were investigated in this study. These must include the following elements: Salting lowers the aw to achieve a reduction in water activity that retards the growth of microorganisms but does not alter the microbiological load of the incoming product. For example, a 3D reduction would destroy 99.9% of the organisms. Cutting, boning, slicing and dicing of fresh meat product are done, by present industry practices, either manually (hand saws, knives, wizards and electric saws) by designated employees or by automated equipment (such as may be used for poultry cutting and breast boning). Reducing fat and salt in comminuted meat products may therefore have a significant positive effect on public health in countries with a high consumption of these meats. An evaluation technique of the operator in which samples are taken from the assembled lot of product. The operator must prevent leakage. However, they must validate through a microbiological testing program that their process will not result in the presence of E.coliO157:H7 or Salmonella in the finished product. The sample plan must be representative of the lot. In either case, the operator's Control Programs must include procedures that address the build-up of product material on the equipment, to minimize cross contamination of product over time on a given production line. R % uPm_5 iN+YPR,e lI qMZYVB.Duel ?Iny{3@ CA9#cs..;"Ds#UbA9LPRRm), AP]Jl*'$bf;QIT|sVEsJ{xwf0!3+:,RK`nefZV5+_)2$P{dhL~YibSTL?&~6%xN,uD=L7_?[ 99-&hq?Q.OZ[Ml-+X--sFAEPa{1{n1` Fk&c Processed meats are first categorised as being 'in whole cuts or pieces' or as 'comminuted'. As dried beef products may pose a hazard associated with E.coliO157:H7, these products must be submitted to a heat treatment before the drying process. conditions or circumstances that might contaminate a food with dirt or filth, or render injurious to health, as defined by the Food and Drugs Act. Packaging procedures must be included it the operator's prerequisite programs and HACCP system. Fermented products which do not meet these requirements must be labelled with a refrigeration statement. An edible product resulting from the mechanical separation and removal of most of the bone from attached skeletal muscle of livestock or poultry carcasses. It must be remembered that a reduction in water activity neither destroys microorganisms nor toxins; it only retards the growth of microorganisms. Depending upon the final use of the communited meat the degree of comminution is done which differs among various processed products and is often a unique characteristic of a particular product ranging from very coarsely comminuted (to produce non-emulsified sausages like salamis and summer sausages), to finely comminuted, (to produce . The restructuring technology of meat originated in the 1960s. STEP 3: FULLY COOKED (page 2 of 3) YES = FULLY COOKED MEAT + NONMEAT MULTICOMPONENT PRODUCT NO 3E. For guidelines, refer to Annex F. If the operator chooses to use methods for the control programs, other than those outlined in Annex F, these must be evaluated by the CFIA to ensure that they reach the same outcome, taking into account volume of production, establishment layout and species of fresh meat. Freezing reduces the temperature of a meat product below the freezing point, changing the state of water from liquid to solid form (ice). means a skin-like container used for a meat product, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. an individual unit of food that is combined with one or more other individual units of food to form an ingredient, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. means, in respect of a meat product, to determine that the meat product is inedible, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. means a package in which a meat product is placed to be offered for sale, or intended to be offered for sale, but does not include a lining, a bulk container, or a transport container, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. a control program consisting of actions and activities that can be used to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. hx\9t&cMS[Jr!w)pw)@HOlw).Er) hNAv#iNptt6&\>pxlqDGe(\lPC9Wq(Dyjh:WK 0-zz POQ4i,NH040Lp6c l&$u(2 @bSD3S1A_$cM`&a3p,cM)sn fq2`2 Qm@C-;0#x{k1>rp]c. finely textured chicken or mechanically separated beef). Comminuted meat products are significant contributors to consumer fat and salt intakes, which are currently above World Health Organization recommended levels. Meat is chemically composed of major components such as water, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and many other small components such as vitamins, enzymes, pigments, and flavours ( Ramalingam, Song, & Hwang, 2019 ). In addition, only those food additives for which provision has been made in the the Tables of Division 16 of the Food and Drug Regulations either for that food specifically or for "unstandardized foods" in general may be used. When the aw of a product is a critical limit set out in the manufacturing process for a meat product, accurate measurement devices must be employed. The sampling program must be in accordance with the following requirements: For reference, the following methods have been scientifically documented as achieving a minimum 2D reduction in E.coliO157:H7: This option is a validation challenge study to demonstrate that the manufacturing process achieves as 5D reduction of E.coli 0157:H7. When using or preparing casings, the following requirements must be met: Potential hazards associated with emulsification include pathogen outgrowth from precursor materials, temperature abuse during production, and metal particles from the equipment. Comminuted meat products include a wide range of consumable sausages: frankfurters, bologna, luncheon meats, smoked sausage, bratwursts, fresh sausage, ground meat, dry sausages and many others. Fermentation, drying and smoking chambers must be equipped with a shatter resistant indicating thermometer, (or equivalent), with graduations of 1. a log book for nitrates/nitrites including quantity on hand, quantity used, date and signature of employee. The formulation of all prepared meat products, including potential allergens, must be controlled as part of the operator's HACCP system. to substantially change the appearance or nature of a meat product. Examination results must be retained for a minimum of one year. A process can be judged as acceptable provided the product consistently reaches a pH of 5.3 using: When fermentation is done at a constant temperature, operators can either use the following table or the calculation method (see examples below) for determining degree-hours limits and maximum time for fermentation at a given room temperature. In this case, the final product is in a form that is not edible without additional . Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Based on 3 documents Examples of COMMINUTED MEAT in a sentence Requirements for processed meat products are governed by the both the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 (MIR) and the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR). As the MSM is labelled as "skinless", the amount of skin that may be added is calculated for both the pork trim and the MSM which gives us an "x" value of 6.4kg: 4.4kg for the pork trim and 2kg for the MSM (8% of 80kg). Meat products from non-amenable species are not allowed to contain nitrates or nitrites, unless what percentage of meat from an amenable species is . Processing rooms (cutting and boning, formulation rooms, kitchens, packaging, etc.) The alternate cooling process cannot be used prior to acceptance by the National Specialist, Meat Processing. They are produced from comminuted or finely homogenized meat, mechanically recovered meat, poultry or fish. The shift must be a minimum of 4 hours to be considered in this start-up plan, unless the operator's normal operating shift is less than 4 hours. The degree-hours limit for the entire fermentation process is based on the highest temperature reached during fermentation. When using shipping containers without a lid, the bottom of the stacked shipping containers must not be supported by the shipping containers below. Refer to the FSEP Manual and Chapter 3, Prerequisite Programs for more details. Although aw measurement is mandatory only for shelf stable products, it is strongly recommended that the operator determine the aw values achieved for each product type they manufacture and for each production line. Another method that is currently used is the incorporation of the cure or brine by injecting the solution into large meat pieces then by mixing the ground meat with the injected meat. The operator must ensure the heat process is sufficient to destroy trichinae. Degree-hours are the product of time as measured in hours at a particular temperature multiplied by the "degrees" measured in excess of 15.6C (the critical temperature for growth of Staphylococcus aureus). Samples for microbiological analysis must be taken to ensure that the process is in line with the specifications. !gf)\)gQY>s OkHBPkqy6E&n! The present disclosure generally relates to high protein puffed snack products including vegetable protein materials and a non-vegetable protein materials and processes for making high protein puffed snack products. The only alternative to an automatic humidity recorder in these rooms would be for the company to manually monitor and record ambient humidity twice a day (morning and afternoon) every day with a properly calibrated portable humidity recorder. There are no mandatory labelling requirements associated with the use of high pressure processing. Pe`~$/0X.H`87w Pc`T The formation of ice concentrates the dissolved solutes and reduces the water activity of the meat product. also wrapped in natural casing), to a limit of 3% in weight of the new meat product. In all cases, the products must be cooked prior to consumption. The limitation of the number of degree-hours depends upon the highest temperature in the fermentation process prior to the time that a pH of 5.3 or less is attained. The operator must control the risk of cross contamination from non cleaned containers. For products stored under refrigerated conditions, the operator must have in place Control Programs to monitor the temperature of these products, such that the internal temperature of each product is 4C or less but not frozen. The operator must use one the following cooling schedules, appropriate to the product type, to cool all heat processed products in order to minimize growth of pathogenic bacteria in/on their products. The operator's written control program must justify the room or area temperature most appropriate for the specific processing step conducted therein, specifying hazards related to temperature abuse in the establishment HACCP system. This plan is used when the equipment is first installed, when major components are replaced (e.g. The total skin area of all sample units (up to 20) cannot exceed 25cm2 (i.e. It is the operator's responsibility to determine compatible areas and non-compatible areas for different processing steps, as part of the prerequisite program and HACCP system. Special attention must be paid to the list of ingredients of the resulting meat product; all ingredients added either directly or by the means of a rework product must be accurately declared in the ingredients list of the resulting meat product. The operator is responsible to implement proper controls over the conditions under which the product is handled to ensure its wholesomeness. )A=u!C(K CS Equipment used in the dehydration process must be included in the operator's prerequisite control programs. It is the operator's responsibility to develop and implement Control Programs that meet the requirements outlined in this section. records demonstrating compliance with all of the above listed requirements must be stored at the establishment for at least one year for each lot of product which is crust frozen. Where carcasses are aged in this manner, attention must be paid to temperature and humidity, to avoid the development of mould. Sampling plans, methods and criteria for disposition of lots of boneless meat are found in Annex F, Part 1. Shipping containers with a lid qualifying for direct food contact must be of sufficient strength to support the weight of the ones above. Thus, it is very important to cool product effectively but it is even more important to cool it quickly through this rapid growth range to prevent the outgrowth of heat shocked pathogen spores including the Clostridium species. The following procedure is recommended: add inoculum to meats while grinding or chopping the meats to the desired consistency; blend in starter culture (if used) near end of mixing cycle; and. Any alternate cooling process must be submitted by the operator to the Inspector in Charge, who will consult with the Area Program Specialist. This plan is used after having successfully completed the start-up plan. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. . A number of manufacturing processes have been scientifically demonstrated as achieving a 2D to 5D reduction. Comminuted meat is fish or meat products that are reduced in size and restructured or reformulated such as gyros, ground beef, and sausage; Comminuted meat products shall be thoroughly cooked to heat all parts of the meat to a minimum temperature of 155 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 15 seconds. endstream endobj 6292 0 obj <>stream The presence of kidney is defined as the presence of a part of a lobule or several lobules measuring at least 0.5cm x 0.5cm. Unlike cooked ready-to-eat meat products, the operator is not required to verify at the time of manufacture that non ready-to-eat products have been subjected to a minimum amount of thermal lethality. The set of measures applied to protect a cooked meat product against the possible outgrowth of heat shocked Clostridiumspp. The examination program must be capable of achieving the following results: Prior to approval by the Inspector in Charge, the effectiveness of the program must be evaluated using lot examination to assure that on-line examination achieves equivalent or better results than lot examination. The meat industry is typically using a mixture of fresh and frozen meat batters for minced meat production. For the purposes of sampling, "NRTE comminuted poultry product" is any raw non-breaded, non- battered raw poultry product that has been (1) ground, (2) mechanically separated, or (3) hand- or mechanically-deboned and further chopped, flaked, minced, or otherwise processed to Acceptably constructed combo bins may be used for storage and transportation of refrigerated or frozen meat products. Non-comminuted & Indigenous meat products and there processing is discussed briefly The agent must be an agent approved by Health Canada. Nitrite or nitrate salts or both, in combination with salt (NaCl) and other curing aids are added to meat products to improve colour, texture and flavour and to prevent or delay undesirable microbial growth and toxin production. Examples include sausages, hot dogs, etc. One defect is defined as a carcass or unit with kidney (when not acceptable) and/or lung. When MSM is used in the manufacture of a formulated meat product, unless the MSM is free of skin and has been identified as such by the supplier, it is considered as containing the allowed eight percent (8%) skin as indicated in notes 2(h) and 2(j) of Schedule I of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 (MIR). relative humidity (where specified) 5%. It is recommended that holding freezers be capable of maintaining temperatures of -18C or colder. Please refer to Chapter 3.6, Pre-requisite Programs for the requirements for acceptable packaging materials and non-food chemical products. 1=LB S0H,J78)iP fAq! Canned food means commercially sterile low-acid or acidified low-acid food packed in hermetically sealed containers. Subsequently, it has been. Most common food-poisoning bacteria can grow from 0C up to 54C; however, their range of rapid growth is from 27C to 54C. (1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 121, no meat product shall be identified as edible unless, 22.1. . The cure or brine can be added to the tumbler mixer and be incorporated into the product by the physical action of tumbling. The operator is required to use one of the five (5) options outlined in this section when manufacturing a dry or semi-dry fermented meat sausage product: Establishments which do not use beef and do not obtain meat ingredients from establishments which handle beef are not currently required to use one of the five options for the control of E.coliO157:H7 in dry/semi-dry fermented sausages. If the cumulative number of defects found is equal to or less than 4, the lot is acceptable for mechanical separation. Refer to the FSEP Manual and Chapter 3, Prerequisite Programs for more details. It takes 35 hours for product to reach a pH of 5.3 or less. Sausage can be manufactured on a small scale by homogenizing meat with ice (for temperature control) using a bowl-chopper. Cold smoke temperatures are generally less than 30C. If wood chips or sawdust are used for smoke generation, their storage and use must not pose a sanitary hazard. The minimum sampling size and schedule per boning line should be 15kg for each 30minutes of production (random time sampling twice hourly). It takes 40 hours for the pH to reach 5.3. However, labelling of the product must comply with Section 94(6.1) of the MIR which stipulates: "If any meat product is not a ready-to-eat meat product but has the appearance of or could be mistaken for a ready-to-eat meat product, the meat product shall bear the following information on its label: In order to meet these requirements, the operator must label the meat product to prevent it from being mistaken for a cooked RTE product and provide clear preparation instructions that when followed by the consumer will fully cook the product (i.e. The operator's prerequisite program and HACCP system must include a control program for restricted non-meat food products that includes: The operator of the registered establishment must use pasteurized processed egg which originates from a registered processed egg station or may purchase grade "Canada A" shell eggs from a registered egg station. Examine the product, classify defects using the defect criteria table and determine acceptance or rejection according to the sampling plan. The operator must notify the CFIA of each case where degree-hours limits have been exceeded. The manufacturing process must allow an extra 5 seconds of dwell time to compensate for measurement error. Pickling, the addition of an acidulant such as acetic acid or citric acid, lowers the pH value of the meat product. Once this has been established, frequent regular checks should be made. endstream endobj 983 0 obj <. (d) in all other respects, inspection programs or examination programs, as the case may be, are operated in accordance with the Act and these Regulations. The operator must demonstrate compliance of the final product to Schedule I of the MIR. the operator must submit to the Inspection In Charge, a written documented protocol for each product, outlining how the product will be identified and segregated into lots, the packaging method, type and temperature of the coolant, the duration of exposure to sub-freezing temperatures and the time period and location for the equilibrium of internal and external product temperatures such that an internal temperature is achieved at or below 4. Refer to the CFIA website for additional information on allergens. Toft % Q & /|5 ) ^0~ # 3w { hH|h0F # G # G # G # #!, packaging, etc. technique of the operator must notify the CFIA website additional. Agent approved by Health Canada scale by homogenizing meat with ice ( for temperature control ) using bowl-chopper. Part of the ones above in all cases, the addition of an such. 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